The Last Gasp of Satan’s Revolution

We have been fighting against the revolution being led by Satan for thousands of years, and it’s almost over. In fact, 2019 might have been the last good year for the rebels. With 2020 seeming to indicate the beginning of the end for our current civilization, now might be a good time to think about the timing of the Last Days.

After all, they are the Last Days of… what?

Human civilization?



No, none of that.

The Last Days mark the beginning of the end of Satan’s power, the failure of his great rebellion. Unfortunately, the last gasp of this revolution will be hard on all of us.

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Chuck Baldwin is a False Teacher and an Object Lesson

God calls all mature Christians to publicly rebuke those elders that commit serious sin (1 Tim. 5:20) within the Body of Christ. If you are a pastor and preach lies, God requires that we answer those lies with the truth. So, I write and speak with this burden on my heart. And, I am forced to proclaim that Chuck Baldwin, is a false teacher and even a false brother.

He lies about our brothers and sisters in Christ.

He preaches abominable heresy.

He slanders the innocent.

Jesus called such Pharisees vipers. I believe that He would call Chuck Baldwin a snake and an example of what you should NOT do, when you learn something new.

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The CIA Criminal Empire that Started with Operation Gladio – The Weekend ShockCast

What you are about to listen to, in one sense, is something that has been years in the making. For years, I have wondered at how Afghanistan could be the source of 93% of the world’s heroin. I just couldn’t understand how the US Air Force could completely control the airspace of Afghanistan, while thousands of square miles of opium poppies were under cultivation.

We could see those poppy fields from the air, and could have sprayed them with any of the massively potent herbicides at our disposal, but we didn’t.


We had satellites that monitored everything that went on in Afghanistan – along with everything that went in and out of Afghanistan. There was seemingly no way that so much heroin could actually be leaving such a remote, land-locked country that was under the complete control of the United States military.

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CONCLUSION – The CIA Empire of Crime that Started with Gladio – Gladio Part 5

Let’s bring this to a conclusion. And, there’s only one conclusion that CAN be made.

The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America is the biggest criminal empire in the history of the world.

There is literally no other conclusion that CAN be made, as horrifying as that statement may sound. The numbers don’t lie, and the facts cannot be avoided. We can argue the details all day long, but the conclusion stays the same. And, the ironic part of this, was that it started so ‘innocently’…

…with Operation Gladio.

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The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Lie – Part 2 – False Evidence

Many responses to my article on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Lie, were very troubling. It showed a desperate desire to hold onto this lie, even to the point of twisting the Bible, itself. And, I am shocked at the lack of evidence that pre-trib supporters have.

(Click HERE for Part One) – | – (Click HERE for Part Three)

It has taken a week, but I have finally come to realize that the only way that you can support the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Lie, is to believe that it MUST exist. Only then can you bend the Bible to support your argument.

This is exactly how supporters of evolution have been able to explain their theory as fact. According to them, because God cannot be real, evolution must be true.

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