Why Our System Must Die – The Deadly Wound of Revelation 13

As we watch the global economy and financial system collapse around us, we need to remember that the Bible lays out the pattern that will govern events over the rest of these Last Days. According to the Bible, certain things must occur in a certain way for prophecy to be fulfilled. And, since God is in control, we know that those events WILL happen, right on time.

Our challenge is to keep what the Bible says in mind. If we use the words of God as the lens with which to view the world, we won’t be shaken by catastrophe.

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Daniel’s 70th Week

There is a deception that weaves its way through our churches and the hearts of most followers of Christ. And, this deception is deadly, especially in these dark times. It grants permission for men and women to add to the Bible, man-made ideas. It distorts our view of Jesus Christ and our understanding of the Last Days. It plays a part in putting brothers and sisters in Christ, to sleep.

Even clear-thinking brothers and sisters have fallen prey to this deception. And, I find myself extremely annoyed, every time that I hear it. And, it’s high time that we stopped this foolishness.

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Where The Antichrist Comes From, Part II

Daniel 8 is a tough chapter to work through, and I believe that it was done that way on purpose. But, since it is an important chapter in an important book, it is worth our time to try and understand it.

And, I believe that we have some ability to piece together what can and cannot be the correct interpretation of Daniel 8.

So, let’s try to figure out if the Antichrist MUST come from the region in and around the Middle East – including Greece and parts of central Asia.

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Where The Antichrist Comes From, Part I

Does the Bible say where the Antichrist comes from?

I know that this question sounds strange, but the prophet Daniel speaks about the Last Days. And, he talks about a ‘man of fierce countenance’.

Do you remember what he said?

He’s in Daniel 8, and he’s also referred to as a ‘little horn’. The question is whether this is the Antichrist, or whether it is Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

This is a pretty important discussion, and you need to think about this. If ‘the Little Horn’ is NOT Antiochus Epiphanes, then this is the Antichrist. And, it really sounds like the Antichrist.

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