In the Seat of Jeremiah and Daniel’s 70th Week [UPDATED]

We’ve been here before. Every time that God’s people became sinful, God sent teachers to warn that judgment was coming. They were always ignored, and then judgment came.

Well, here we are. Yet again in a time of great sin among God’s people. And, yet again, the call to righteousness is ignored.

Unfortunately, we have hireling pastors who will not tell us the truth.

Because it would cost them their job.

This means that you and I have to do their job. It means that we need to sit in the seat of Jeremiah, and you aren’t going to like it.

Oh, and there’s a persistent lie about Daniel’s 70th Week. It won’t go away. It’s driving me nuts. So, I gotta talk about it. Hopefully, it will start to drive you nuts, too.

UPDATE: A church in California prepares for persecution.

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