The Wuhan Coronavirus – Some Real Truth

As we move into the second phase of this outbreak, we are starting to understand more and more about this virus. We know who is at greatest risk. We know what to do to avoid it. We are also beginning to understand that our fears about this virus are unnecessary. Being cautious is wise, being fearful is not.

Unfortunately, the hysterical media continue to pump out hysteria and deception. And, we’ll be seeing their clickbait headlines for a while longer, so remember who is engaging in these lies. As we move further into these Last Days, the fearmongers will only drag you down. So, ignore them.

Instead, show a dark and dying world what a true follower of Christ is really like.

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The Wuhan Coronavirus – A Wuhan Pastor Responds

Most people do not realize that there are more real Christians in China than there are in the United States. With all the persecution that they have begun to suffer in China, the Christians there still number at least a hundred million. And, for years, they have been demonstrating what it means to follow Christ.

A recent example arrived in the form of an open letter from Pastor Tan Songhua of Cornerstone Church in Wuhan. This letter demonstrates exactly how we Christians should be approaching an outbreak like this. Not with fear, but with love and service to God.

I hope that you will be inspired by what Pastor Tan said.

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