The US Cannot Win a War with Iran

Iran’s nuclear weapons program must be stopped. There can be no question about this. And, neutralizing Iran’s nuclear capacity will lead to war.

Unfortunately, the mountains of Iran make an invasion impossible. In fact, Iran has never been conquered except when she was weak, and right now… she is NOT weak. Hopefully, the US military understands this.

The question is… what will Donald Trump and America’s allies do?

No one can be completely sure, but you can bet that some attempt will be made to fight a limited conflict. However, it’s doubtful that this conflict will STAY limited. And, the resulting cataclysm will be straight out of prophecy.

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Orders from Riyadh – Part 3 – The Petrodollar Debt and Death System

I’m still amazed at this Petrodollar System. The more I look at it, the more I realize how it has shaped the world over the last forty years. One brilliant psychopath had an idea and made everyone in the world slaves to the US Federal Reserve. Wow. That psychopath was Henry Alfred Kissinger, and he incorporated yet another brilliant idea into his system that has kept the American Empire alive far longer than anyone could have imagined. In fact, I believe that it is this second element that is the sole reason why so many of us have been wrong … Click here to read the rest…