Did You Have Faith in Politics?

Now that Joe Biden is President of the United States, I still find myself bemused by how much faith Christians have in politics.

How is it possible for us to claim Christ as our savior…

…while idolizing a president and a political process?

I understand why non-Christians would put so much faith in politics. They don’t have anything else to put faith in. But not Christians. Christians should know exactly Who to put their faith in.

So, why are we demonstrating to the world, that we don’t think that God is in control?

Seriously, that’s what Christians are saying, when they seek the overthrow of a political process, or go into despair when they can’t. So, maybe this is a good opportunity to contemplate our faith.

Also, in this piece, I talk about False Prophets of Profit, the QHoax and your security.

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