Fear Money Power

How We Got Here, Part 2: The Fear, The Money and The Power

Images coming out of Wuhan in February and March struck fear in the hearts of almost everyone. Bodies lying in the street, packed hospitals and terrified healthcare workers created anxiety and dismay around the world. And then, the virus broke out of China, and the world clamored for someone to ‘do something’.

While governments conferred with ‘experts’, central banks reacted with glee. They finally had something to blame for their failures. But then, there are those ‘experts’.

We handed them power. Lots of it. And, they destroyed us.

And, they will keep destroying us, until we take their power away.

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Why Our System Must Die – The Sacrifice of Our Children

In the hysterical rush to shut down and destroy our economy because of a virus, no one stopped to think about our children and grandchildren. They will be hit hardest by what we are doing, and it’s just plain evil.

Our job is to protect and sacrifice for the next generation. But, over the past century, we have done the exact opposite. We spent the future and left our offspring with unpayable debt and moral collapse. And now, to protect our own worthless lives, we are sacrificing theirs.

In this pandemic, we are sacrificing our children, and it’s Satanic.

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