Rick Wiles Cannot be a Christian

I can’t believe that I had to write that as the title. But, what I heard over the past few days, leads me to make that statement.

I would love to believe that he has just gone insane, or that his hatred of the Jews and Israel has consumed his mental faculties. But, I can’t make that assumption. The evidence from his own mouth condemns him, and I do not have any other way to think about this.

No follower of Christ deliberately lies about another Christian – especially, in an attempt to deceive other Christians.

I certainly welcome your thoughts on this, once I have laid out what I have seen and heard.

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The Balfour Declaration – 100 Years

Thursday marked the 100 year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. It laid the groundwork for the completely legal distribution of land rights to the Jews, as the foul and evil Ottoman Empire was being dismembered. And, make no mistake, the Ottoman Empire was truly corrupt and Satanic.

(Remember the Armenian Genocide?)

It was also a moment in time that marked the spread of the idea of the Nation State. The monarchies were dying. The ‘divine right of kings’ was losing recognition. And, it was the high water mark for Christianity in Europe and North America. After that, it was downhill.

Never forget that the founding of the State of Israel and her success has been entirely due to the Christians.

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