storm warning

A Perfect Storm – Final Warning or Final Judgment

In our haste to examine the pandemic that sweeps the globe, we have forgotten that we live in the last chapter of history. So, maybe we should think a little more deeply about why this is happening at this moment in time.

Why has this virus arisen at such a vulnerable time?

Why are people and politicians reacting with such insanity?

Why have we forgotten that evil NEVER goes unpunished?

I sense the Hand of God in all of this, but I understand if you don’t agree. However, it is undeniable that there is something unique going on.

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We Chose Optimism Over Honesty

Without an honest look at what is real, there can never be a hope for the future. Never. Yes, there might be moments of accidental prosperity. From time-to-time, you might experience something above average, but you can never hold off reality.

In fact, one of the reasons why I continue to commit all of my life to Christ, is that the Bible is the clearest reflection of reality that we have. Yet, we prefer the momentary pleasures of fantasy, instead the gritty truth residing within those pages bound together and sent around the world.

We are facing the most horrific moment in a thousand years precisely because we chose optimism over honesty.

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TRUTH – Our Biggest Challenge

We are beset with lies. They surround us. They attempt to invade everything that we do. They try to divert our attention. They trip us up when we try to make intelligent decisions. And, the lies are so much more fun than the TRUTH.

That’s why the truth is such a challenge. It’s painful. It’s ugly. It holds a mirror up and shows us that we aren’t as strong or as beautiful as we would like to be.

So, I understand why TRUTH is such a challenge. But, if you want to live long and prosper… If eternity is your destination… you’d better accept the challenge of accepting the TRUTH.

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The System is Dying II – When Growth Stops

In both the natural and geopolitical world, there seems to be one law that that is universal – at least on this planet. And that law is:

Systems grow until they die.

Look at ANY biological system at the macro level. That system grows and grows and grows, until it runs out of food, and then rapidly dies – to be replaced by a different biological system that does the same thing. And, scientists have wondered at this seemingly mindless, unchanging rule of nature.

Of course, it has its roots in the Fall of Man and the Garden of Eden, but you can’t expect scientists to read the Bible.

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The System is Dying

The current, high tech civilization started dying a little over ten years ago. What began in the 1800s, races towards an inglorious end and the death of billions of people. And, you know nothing about this, because our dear leaders do not want you to know.

In fact, these same ‘dear leaders’ undoubtedly tell themselves that our fantastic empire will continue, that nothing can shake this great ship as it travels into the night. But, not all is as it seems, and that jolt you felt in 2008 was the same kind of iceberg that sank the unsinkable Titanic.

As our system dies, will you be ready for this?

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