The Madness Pivot of History

History pivots. Pressures build, pulling civilization in one direction until someone makes a decision that forces us onto a different path. Our path to where we are now, is made up of these pivot points. And, we are going through one right now.

We knew that a pivot was coming. Something was bound to happen that would change our path into the future, and we knew that it was going to be bad. We just didn’t know that it would be this.

This is all a part of our rendezvous with prophecy. God said that it would happen. And, it will. But, there’s madness involved.

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What’s Really Going On In Kazakhstan?

Something is happening in Kazakhstan, and I don’t think that anyone has the real story – at least, not right now.

Having said that, the current kerfuffle in the streets of Almaty and Shymkent might be everything that news reports say. And, it all might die down by the time that you read this.

However, Kazakhstan occupies a very strategic location for both Russia and China. Turmoil there would hurt Moscow and Beijing, so it would be wise to assume that a certain three letter agency is involved.

But, let’s not forget the hooks in Gog.

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Iran is Completely Insane – The Details Confirm It

Yesterday, I introduced to you the idea that Iran is completely insane. And, the last 40 years has demonstrated that they did lose their minds. Hostage-taking, terrorism, proxy conflicts and suicide attacks – Iran has done all of that and more for incomprehensible reasons.

However, we now know that Iran is following a script. They are playing a role that they believe to have been laid out in Shia eschatology, over a thousand years ago.

We talked about it yesterday, but now we need to look more closely at the details.

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Iran is Completely Insane

For 99.49% of the196 countries of the world, there is some reasonable expectation of sanity. You can deal with them. Offer incentives. Make trade deals. Even make peace. And, the threat of war actually means something to them. But, there is one country that seems immune to reason:


Most people are mystified by Iran’s seemingly irrational behavior, but they shouldn’t be – since it is fairly easy to understand why they choose to act the way that they do. They actually told us, and we didn’t pay attention. So, over the next few minutes I’m going to show EXACTLY why they are completely insane.

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A Big Hook in Gog and a Hoax Reminder

Russia did something this week, that I did not expect them to do. And, it represents a gigantic investment in both Syria and Iran. It might also be a battlefield test of the S-300V4 anti-aircraft system against America’s F-35 stealth fighter.

What the Russians gave Syria – and yes, it was a gift – is worth more than $4 billion. And, Russia doesn’t DO gifts like that, unless there’s a really big purpose behind it. And, that purpose is to shoot down Israeli jets and kill Israeli fighter pilots.

What Israel does in response, is uncertain.

Unfortunately, this story also brings a reminder that there are hoaxers out there, attempting to capitalize on this event, and events like it, by making up stories that just aren’t true.

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